How to Stay Motivated and Organized as a Stay at Home Mom

Being a stay at home mom is hard work. It’s important that you find ways to stay motivated and organized so that your day is less stressful and you’re able to feel more relaxed as a stay at home mom. If you have a ridiculously busy schedule as a stay at home mom and need to find a way to get it under control then you’ve come to the right place. These tips will have stay at home moms everywhere learn how to get their household under control and have more motivation on a regular basis.
How to Stay Motivated and Organized as a Stay at Home Mom - The Rockstar Mommy

How to Stay Motivated and Organized as a Stay at Home Mom

Create a Realistic Schedule

Sit down and think about what you have to do in a single day. Write down necessary tasks and prioritize them in a list. Now that you have a list of prioritized daily tasks, it’s time to create a realistic schedule. Set specific times for each task and be sure to devote one hour of your day for break time.

Take Breaks

This leads us to the next step in staying motivated and organized as a stay at home mom, take breaks. The best way to keep from going insane is to schedule a minimum of two 15 minute breaks and one half hour lunch break every day.

Create a Budget

It’s important that you work to create a budget when you’re a stay at home mom so that you don’t stress out about finances. If your partner is the only one working then you both need to sit down and evaluate the income versus expenses to create a solid budget to stick with to keep financial peace.

Wake Up Before Kids

Let’s face it; your day is full of kids. Everything you do all day long will have something to do with your kids and your duties as a stay at home mom. This is why it’s very important for you to wake up before the kids get up. This can be your moment of peace to prepare for your chaotic day.

Meet with Friends

Having playdates with friends so that the kids can play and you can socialize at least once a week will help you to stay motivated as a stay at home mom. Having time to meet with friends and a chance to let your kids play together will help break up the mundane day to day lifestyle of a stay at home mom.

These are just a handful of ideas for you on how to to stay motivated and organized as a stay at home mom. Each of these tips will help guide you forward to feeling more relaxed and with more energy as each day passes during your stay at home mom days.

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