How Do Moms Find Time to Exercise?
How Do Moms Find Time to Exercise?
Whether you have a newborn or a toddler, you may find it difficult to find time to exercise. Between changing diapers, preparing meals, and giving your child attention, it can be difficult to find time for yourself. When you do find time, exercise is often put on the back burner. However, it offers many benefits. The fitter you are, the easier it will be to play with your child. You can boost your energy and lose any weight you may have gained during pregnancy.
So, how do moms find time to exercise? Here are some ways to make working out a part of your routine.
Make the Most of Nap Time
While your child is napping, why not squeeze in a quick workout? Pop in a workout DVD or use the Wii Fit, put any home exercise equipment you may own to use, or grab some headphones and dance to music in your living room. You can also work on some strength training exercises while your child is sleeping.
Bring Your Child Along for a Workout
Walking and jogging are both great forms of exercise. More importantly, it’s easy to do them with your child in tow. Take your child on a walk with you. They even make strollers intended for moms who jog, so you can push your child along with you!
Take a Mommy and Me Exercise Class
If you want to do something fun with your child, why not take a Mommy and Me exercise class? There are many different types of Mommy and Me exercise classes you can choose to take, so you’re bound to find something that interests both you and your child. Whether it’s Mommy and Me Yoga, Mommy and Me Zumba, or a general Mommy and Me Fitness class, this can be a great way to exercise without needing to worry about a babysitter.
Look into Gyms That Offer Childcare
If you’re interested in working out at a gym, why not find one that offers childcare services? Many gyms have childcare facilities that offer fun activities for children, such as bowling or movie time, while their moms work out. The cost of childcare may be included in your gym membership or it may be a small additional fee that you can add onto your gym package.
These are just a few of the many ways moms can find time to exercise. Fitting a workout into your routine may not be easy, but it is possible!
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