Guide to a Stress Free Morning Routine
Do your mornings look like utter chaos? If your mornings are like most moms, you’re flying by the seat of your pants from sun up to sundown. Mornings don’t have to be this stressful, and they don’t need to be this hard. A good morning starts the night before. With some time management tactics, your mornings will go from chaos to stress free! Here are things you can do to simplify and de-stress your morning routine.
Pick out your clothes the day before
Decide what outfit you will wear each day, or even for the whole week, the night bef
ore. Be sure to do this with EVERYONE in your household. It will make getting dressed a breeze for the whole family! Make sure everyone has their clothes laid out before bed each night.
Pack lunches the night before
Mornings are chaos, don’t wait until the morning of to make your lunches for the day. Instead pack them every night, and plan your lunches for the week on Sundays to make sure you know what you’re making each night.
Make your to do list right before bed
This will help you rest easy and make sure you don’t forget to do something the next day. Take out a sheet of paper and dump your brain onto that paper. Then, take a look at your items and organize them into a logical to do list.
Avoid all electronics until you’ve had breakfast and gotten ready for the day
Phones and tablets can suck the time right out from under you. Your email, Facebook notifications, and the news can wait until you’re ready for the day.
If you struggle to fit everything in, get up earlier
If you find yourself constantly rushed in the morning, you have too much to do. This means you need to be waking up earlier. Make a list of all the things you need to do in the mornings and work backward to find out when you need to get up each morning. If needed, wake up earlier.
Plan for breakfast the night before
Before you go to bed, you should have breakfast thought out and prepared as much as possible. This will make it easy to get breakfast on the table or on the go before everyone has to leave without the stress of rushing around in the morning.
Put your keys, work bag, backpacks, and purse by the door
Before you go to bed, make sure everything you need to take with you for the day is conveniently located by the door. This will make sure you don’t forget anything, and everything is ready to go.
You don’t need to wake up hours before you leave in order to tackle your mornings. Focus on implementing a few helpful tips the night before and in the mornings to make things run smoother.
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