15 Self Care Tips to Make you a Better Mom

Moms seem to do a lot of work around the house while also trying to juggle work and kids. The idea of being a mom who can do everything is something that many moms place on their shoulders. We all seem to wear this invisible superhero cape that really doesn’t need to be there. If you’re a mom who is super exhausted and looking for some self-care tips to make you a better mom, then you’ve come to the right place.

15 Self Care Tips to Make you a Better Mom

15 Self Care Tips to Make you a Better Mom

  1. Enjoy the preschool moments where your youngest is off to school for a few hours, do something fun you enjoy or take a nap.
  2. If you work from home or stay at home, take one weekly nap day where you bring the kids to school and come home to simply relax all day long.
  3. Allow yourself time to transition between mom duties, this could be winding down to some music, reading a book for 20 minutes or taking a drive before switching gears.
  4. Plan one night a week as bath night where you devote an hour to simply soaking in a warm bubble bath alone.
  5. Get dressed up for no good reason, complete with makeup and jewelry.
  6. Listen to music while you’re cooking dinner or doing household chores to keep your mood stable and happier.
  7. Bring back an old hobby that you loved doing before the kids were born and make it a priority in your life.
  8. Make plans to do something that you’ve never done before, just be certain you have a sitter ready to take the kids if your partner can’t stay with them.
  9. Have a weekly social date with a close friend over a cup of tea or coffee to just socialize about life, interests and whatever else makes you happy.
  10. Enjoy making a blanket fort with your kids and climb in to curl up and enjoy some childhood laughter after a long day.
  11. Get outside and enjoy a nature walk or stroll around your community to soak in the sunshine and fresh air.
  12. Plan a spa day with girlfriends complete with manicures and pedicures.
  13. Make a reading bucket list and read at least thirty minutes every night before bed.
  14. Make a list of things you want to do in the next month and enjoy the awesome feeling of accomplishment each time you check something off that list.
  15. Start using meditation apps to feel more balanced during a busy day of motherhood.

These are all just a few self-care tips to make you a better mom. Each of these self care tips to be a better mom can be squeezed into even the busiest of schedules. Following my advice will help you feel better, act happier and really have a chance to keep your mind in a peaceful place.

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