7 steps To a Clutter Free Home


7 steps to a clutter free home - The Rockstar Mommy

7 steps to a clutter free home

Have you actually started decluttering your home? When I started, I could not believe have much stuff I had! I used to feel so frustrated at how long it took and how much energy it took to manage all our crap! I used to spend hours and sometimes even days trying to get the house cleaned up. Finally, I said enough! It was time to create a clutter free sanctuary in our home! Decluttering is so freeing and letting go of excess can do wonders for your home! Here are 7 steps to a clutter free home. 

Step 1: Know your why
Before you can truly live with less, you need to know why. Why do you want to declutter your space and what benefits could your family have? Start with getting a clear picture of why you are choosing to start down this path and keep this goal in mind when things get hard.

Step 2: Build a plan and take action!
Before you start going through every drawer and closet in your home, you need to make a plan for how you are going to work through this space. When you have a plan, you’ll be able to easily navigate through your home and get to work. Decide how you want to declutter, such as by room or by object.

Step 3: Do a sweep through your entire home
This is the best way to get started when decluttering your home. Take a box or a trash bag and go through each room and get rid of everything you don’t use or don’t love. This is the perfect way to get some momentum going, as you’ll be able to really dive into the hard stuff later. This will remove the surface clutter that don’t require emotional decisions.

Step 4: Clear your surfaces and keep them that way
Clear surfaces have a big impact on your home as a whole. Finding places for things that normally clutter your counter tops and other surfaces should be one of the first steps for that reason. Make a spot for your mail, cords, keys and anything else that doesn’t have a logical place already. After you’ve cleared your surfaces, keep them that way! Keeping this space clear at all times will immediately keep your home from looking cluttered.

Step 5: Start with the easiest spot
At this point, you want to keep your momentum by starting with an easy place to declutter. Find a place you can do quickly and with ease. This space should not have too many sentimental items or take more than a few minutes. Don’t try to take on a whole room at once, and instead start smaller such as a drawer or cabinet. Bathrooms, the pantry, or a coat closet are a great starting point!

Step 6: Identify which area is your highest priority and take control!
Now that you’ve identified the areas that are causing you stress, it’s time to tackle it! Your focus should be on ruthlessly decluttering whatever area is your highest priority to create space in your home. This room will have the biggest impact on your life and the benefits should be almost instant.

Step 7: Stick to your plan
Now that you’ve tackled the most important areas in your home, it’s time to continue throughout the rest of your house! Keep following the plan you’ve created from highest to lowest in terms of priority. Keep yourself accountable and don’t stop until you’re completely finished! Take before and after pictures to keep you motivated and keep track of the stuff you’ve gotten rid of.

Be sure to celebrate your success as you work to build a clutter free home for you and your family. Don’t forget to keep clutter from creeping into your home and destroying any progress you’ve made. Enjoy your clutter free home!




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